What is this place?

This is a blog about the Real Time Strategy (RTS) genre of computer games and will feature previews, reviews, thoughts on design, and plenty of other random stuff.

First thing's first, however. Why call it 'Defend Me While I Boom'? Back in my days of playing Age of Empires III, I met another player named Raaman. I was playing as the Dutch and he was Portuguese, if I remember our first encounter correctly. We had a hard-fought game, but I triumphed in the end. We had a rematch, which I also won. However, we became fast 'online buddies', and we continued to play many more Age of Empires III games together.

At some point in our adventures, while playing a 2 vs 2 match, one of us said: "defend me while I boom", and somehow that became a running gag. No matter what the situation, and no matter what the RTS game we were playing (we stuck together for other RTS games, as well), one of us would begin the game by suggesting our new 'best' strategy - "defend me while I boom."

It was hilarious at the time, and I daresay it still is. :]

Stay a while, pull up a chair, help yourself to some Root Beer, and I hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on my favourite videogame genre.